Ludum Dare 47
I participated in the Ludum Dare Game Jam with some friends.
The theme –- “Stuck in the Loop” – seemed a bit challenging at first, but we settled on doing an homage on German bureaucracy and created an endless fetch quest titled “Permit A-39”, referencing Asterix and the Twelve Tasks. Well, not endless, in practice you could get to stage ten or so before breaking the UI. But frankly, I never made it past stage two, which might have been due to us doing polish and finishing bits up until an hour before the deadline (0:00 UTC on a Tuesday).
I am quite pleased with the outcome and especially the aesthetics, which can largely be attributed to our great graphics (Walkingtall85, Freeks) and music (LunarEffect) artists, altough I wish we just had one or two more days to actually make it into a challenging game. We planned on adding several additional features, like automatic level generation, dynamic levels (elevators shutting down, stairs being repaired, counters switching places and being temporarily unavailable), as well as a sanity-meter which would ultimately allow you to drop kick passer-bys. But in the end, it just felt very satisfying to actually put a close on a project instead of feature-creeping it forever. Looking forward to the next opportunity. Cheers!